Swine trichinellosis has been reported in 26 provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities (P/A/M) of China. The prevalence rate in swine varied from 0.12% to 34.2% in five P/A/M, from 0.01% to 0.0001% in other P/A/M. The seroepidemiological survey of swine trichinellosis was carried out by ELISA in seven P/A/M, the seroprevalence varied from 0.09% to 29.63%. The prevalence of Trichinella infection in pork sold at the market was from 0.29% to 5.6% in four provinces. The transmission of trichinellosis by garbage is the main features of epidemiology of swine trichinellosis in China. Rat is an important reservoir in the domestic cycle of trichinellosis. The prevalence rates of T. spiralis infection in rats were from 1.98% to 15.06% in six provinces or autonomous regions. The treatment prophylaxis with forage contained albendazole has been applied to the control of swine trichinellosis in Nanyang area of Henan province, the prevalence of swine trichinellosis had decreased from 32.2% before prophylaxis to 0.12% after prophylaxis.