The two L5178Y (LY) sublines bear a heterozygous Tp53 mutation that affects its transactivation function. LY-S (radiation-sensitive) cells are deficient in double strand break (DSB) repair by non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) and do not express p21WAF1 (Cdkna1) either constitutively or after x-irradiation, in contrast to their radiation-resistant counterpart LY-R cells, which express p21WAF1 constitutively. Radiation-induced G2 arrest in LY-S cells is very long (11 h/Gy) but 2 mM caffeine treatment shortens it, decreases the fraction of G2 cells and increases the fraction of apoptotic cells. The treatment also increases the DNA damage that is estimated with the comet assay 18 h after irradiation with 5 Gy (ca. 23% of the initial value for x-rays and ca. 47% for x-rays plus caffeine). This indicates that either the repair has not been completed or the apoptotic DNA fragmentation has been initiated (or both). The same treatment applied to x-irradiated (5 Gy) LY-R cells (G2 arrest, 4 h/Gy) has no radiosensitising effect, induces no apoptosis and does not alter the amount of DNA damage left unrepaired (ca. 28%). The results are compatible with the assumption that inhibition of the Atm-dependent homologous recombination repair by caffeine, brings differential effects in LY sublines because of the defect of the alternative DNA repair system (NHEJ) in LY-S cells.