Chemo-mechanical caries removal involves the chemical softening of carious dentine followed by its removal by gentle excavation. The reagent involved is generated by mixing amino acids with sodium hypochlorite; N-monochloroamino acids are formed which selectively degrade demineralised collagen in carious dentine. The procedure requires 5-15 minutes but avoids the painful removal of sound dentine thereby reducing the need for local anaesthesia. It is well suited to the treatment of deciduous teeth, dental phobics and medically compromised patients. The dentine surface formed is highly irregular and well suited to bonding with composite resin or glass ionomer. When complete caries removal is achieved, the dentine remaining is sound and properly mineralised. The system was originally marketed in the USA in the 1980's as Caridex. Large volumes of solution and a special applicator system were required. A new system, Carisolv, has recently been launched on to the market. This comes as a gel, requires volumes of 0.2-1.0 ml and is accompanied by specially designed instruments.