An 86-year-old-woman presented with apical ballooning left ventricular dysfunction associated with therapy for acute pulmonary thromboembolism. She was referred to our hospital for advanced treatment for her shock state due to acute pulmonary embolism with normal left ventricular(LV) function. Her condition was stabilized using a percutaneous cardiopulmonary support system. Suction embolectomy was successfully carried out after pulmonary arteriography. After the therapy, echocardiography revealed apical ballooning and hyperkinesis of the base(LV ejection fraction = 28%), although coronary arteriography showed no fixed stenosis. LV wall motion significantly improved on day 3(LV ejection fraction = 45%). Pulmonary embolism relapsed on day 5 in spite of anticoagulation treatment. She died of multiple organ failure on day 9. Autopsy findings indicated no sign of myocardial infarction or myocarditis, patchy appearance of myocardial contraction band necrosis and few migrated lymphocytes. The mechanism for the flow mis-matched LV dysfunction remains unknown. The probable explanations include non-ischemic stress such as catecholamine or neurogenic stress, and possibly ischemic stress or ischemia/reperfusion injury.