Purpose: To present the technical data, methods and results of percutaneous laser ablation of malignant tumors.
Patients and methods: In the period from June 1993 to April 2000 a collective of 600 patients with malignant liver tumors and liver metastases from different primary tumors were treated via MR-guided LITT. After sonographically or CT-guided puncture MR-compatible laser catheters were positioned. The tumor destruction was visualized via MR-thermometry. The checkup and the therapy accomplishment ensued in the course of an ambulant therapy concept.
Results: In the course of a local accomplished LITT of liver metastases and malignant liver tumors a local tumor control rate of 97.8 % was achieved. The complication rate was extremely low with a value of 2.2 % (1 441 treatments). The lethality rate was 0.1 %. The mean survival time referring to the whole patient collective was 47.7 months, in the case of liver metastases from a colorectal cancer a value of 46.8 months was achieved.
Conclusion: MR-guided LITT is a local effective therapy with low morbidity in malignant liver tumors with a maximum quantity of 5 and a size of </= 5 cm.