Jeune syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by narrow thoracic cage and short-limbed dwarfism. Seventy percent of affected individuals die in early childhood from pulmonary hypoplasia and respiratory distress due to the small size of the thorax. Growth retardation and chronic renal insufficiency due to nephronophthisis may occur in patients who survive the respiratory failure. We report a family that exhibited clinically heterogeneous features of Jeune syndrome. The 6-year-old male proband presented with skeletal deformities and chronic renal failure. A kidney biopsy revealed that nephronophthisis was the cause of the patient's kidney failure, and we diagnosed Jeune syndrome. A retrospective diagnosis of Jeune syndrome was also established for the proband's older sister, who had died of renal failure at 8 years of age. The oldest female child in the family also had thoracic deformity, and the father and paternal uncle were both of short stature and exhibited brachydactyly. Their renal function and blood pressure were normal. The findings in this family are important in that they demonstrate the clinical heterogeneity of Jeune syndrome and underline the association of renal disease with this syndrome.