We previously showed that Escherichia coli bacteria incubated in normal human serum release complexes that contain three conserved Gram-negative bacterial outer membrane proteins (OMPs) and LPS. We have identified the OMPs as outer membrane protein A (OmpA), peptidoglycan-associated lipoprotein (PAL), and murein lipoprotein (MLP). These OMPs are conserved among enteric Gram-negative bacteria and are bound by IgG in antisera raised to heat-killed rough bacteria such as E. coli J5 (J5 IgG). The present experiments were performed to further analyze the release of these OMPs in a rat wound infection model of sepsis. Plasma was collected from thermally injured rats with E. coli O18 sepsis and filtered. LPS was affinity-purified from plasma filtrates using monoclonal antibody specific for the O-polysaccharide side chain of E. coli O18 LPS. Plasma filtrates were also incubated with J5 IgG conjugated to magnetic beads. Affinity-purified samples were analyzed for the OMPs by immunoblotting. OmpA, PAL, and MLP were released into septic rat blood in complexes with LPS. PAL was consistently present in samples affinity-purified using J5 IgG. The results indicate that OmpA, PAL, and MLP are released and circulate in experimental Gram-negative sepsis and suggest that a proportion of released OMPs are tightly associated with LPS.