The different mechanisms of action of beta-blockers and calcium antagonists could result in an additive therapeutic effect in patients with angina pectoris. Twenty-one male patients aged between 41 and 68 years and suffering from chronic stable angina pectoris and coronary artery disease confirmed by angiography took part in a randomized, double-blind study to examine the acute effect of 10 mg of bisoprolol, 20 mg of nifedipine, and a combination of the two drugs on hemodynamics at rest and during exercise [heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP), rate-pressure product (RPP), cardiac index (CI), total peripheral resistance (TPR), and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (PCP)], the behavior of the ST segment (ST), and exercise tolerance until occurrence of an ST-segment depression of 0.1 mV (W-ST01) and until onset of anginal pain (W-AP1). Following a baseline exercise test, 11 patients were given 10 mg of bisoprolol orally, whereas 10 patients received placebo. Two hours later, a second exercise test was carried out. All patients in both groups then received 20 mg of N orally. A third exercise test was performed 2 h later. On exercise, bisoprolol resulted in significant changes in HR (-16%), RPP (-22%), and CI (-16%), as well as in TPR (+ 13%); PCP was not significantly affected. Nifedipine led to significant changes in CI (+9%) and PCP (-34%). The effects of bisoprolol on HR and RPP and of nifedipine on PCP were retained in the combination. Competition was detectable as regards the opposing effects on CI and TPR. Measured by W-ST01 and ST, bisoprolol had a marked anti-ischemic effect, whereas that of nifedipine was distinctly less. There was an increase in effect after combination of the drugs (not significant). In patients with chronic angina pectoris due to coronary artery disease, bisoprolol and nifedipine had different hemodynamic profiles after acute administration; when the two drugs were combined, these effects were partly intensified and partly canceled out. There was a tendency for the effect of bisoprolol to be intensified by nifedipine in the combination. The combination of bisoprolol and nifedipine was well tolerated in the doses selected.