Progression of renal disease is closely correlated to the degree of renal interstitial fibrosis, and evidence is increasing that epithelial cells of the renal proximal tubule (PTCs) may contribute to its pathogenesis. Such cytokines as basic fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) have been implicated in progressive renal injury, and we previously showed that PTCs are a source of this cytokine. FGF-2 is characterized by its high affinity for heparin, and numerous studies have suggested that heparin may modify the progression of renal disease. The current study examined how heparin influenced FGF-2 generation and bioactivity in the human renal epithelial PTC line, HK-2. Incubation of HK-2 cells with heparin led to a dose- and time-dependent increase in FGF-2 concentration in the culture supernatant that was not accompanied by alterations in FGF-2 messenger RNA expression, assessed by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and Northern analysis. The heparin-induced increase in FGF-2 concentration was accompanied by a decrease in the amount of FGF-2 bound to the extracellular matrix, although this accounted for only a small proportion of the total FGF-2 generated. Induction of FGF-2 by 2-O-desulfated heparin, together with a reduction in total cell-associated FGF-2 and anti-FGF-2 antibody binding to fixed permeabilized cells after the addition of heparin, suggested that the FGF-2 released was mainly derived from a preformed intracellular source. That FGF-2 was predominantly derived from an intracellular pool was also confirmed by pulse chase experiments. The addition of heparin resulted in the generation of bioinactive FGF-2, judged by in vitro fibroblast proliferation. Conversely, heparitinase treatment of supernatant samples from heparin-treated cells and the addition of 2-O-desulfated heparin resulted in the generation of active FGF-2, suggesting that the generation of bioinactive FGF-2 was related to binding of FGF-2 by extracellular heparin after its release from cells. These data show that heparin depletes both the cell and surrounding matrix of FGF-2 and suggest that FGF-2 released from cells was mainly derived from a preformed intracellular source. Furthermore, FGF-2 released from epithelial PTCs after the application of heparin was bioinactive. This likely resulted from released FGF-2 binding to an excess of extracellular heparin. Results presented here therefore suggest a mechanism by which heparin, through its effect on depletion of matrix and cells of FGF-2 and its generation in an inactive form, may influence progressive renal interstitial fibrosis.