Symptoms and incapacitation due to abnormal aggregations of pacinian corpuscles are uncommon. Indeed, only three reports have been found in the scientific literature. A case is presented in which the patient's chief complaint was pain and localized tenderness in the hand which interfered with normal activity. Surgical exploration of the palm showed abnormalities of pacinian corpuscles attached to the median digital nerve in the form of a grape-like cluster and a single enlarged corpuscle beneath the epineurium; the abnormality attached to the ulnar digital nerve appeared as an offshoot of hyperplastic corpuscles lying in tandem. The abnormal corpuscles were excised. The symptoms have not recurred to date. These abnormalities in size, position, and number of pacinian corpuscles are compared to the findings of the few other reports in the literature. The neuroma formation found attached to this ulnar nerve has not been cited previously.