Using ultrasound, muscle thickness and fascicle angles from aponeurosis were evaluated before, during and after 20 days bed rest (BR). Subjects were healthy adults (4 women and 4 men). Measurements were carried out before and after BR and after 10 weeks of recovery, respectively. Muscle measurements were taken at nine sites in trunk and upper and lower extremities, respectively. For the m. triceps brachii, m. vastus lateralis, and m. gastrocnemius medialis, fascicle angles from the aponeurosis as well as muscle thickness were measured. There was a high statistical significant correlation between muscle thickness and cross-sectional area for quadriceps muscles, suggesting applicability of muscle thickness for evaluation of muscle size. Muscle thickness decreased in muscles of the lower extremity by 2.1-4.4 % after bed rest. In triceps brachii and vastus lateralis muscles, there were no prominent changes in muscle thickness and fascicle angles. It was concluded that muscle morphology deteriorates with changes in muscle architecture by bed rest but the response is small and muscle-specific. It was also suggested that bed rest affects not only muscle mass but muscle tone as well.