The ultrasonic bubble detection technique has been used as a versatile tool in the investigation of hypobaric decompression procedures for the last two decades. However, this method can only detect relatively large bubbles > 30-50 micrometers (usually in venous blood) and not the very first stages of bubble formation. Recently, the mechanical oscillator technique has been applied in air diving trials in order to detect small blood density changes due to hypothetical fluid shifts. However, sharp density drops were found in the decompression process, and these have been attributed to gas bubble formation. In this study, this method was applied together with Doppler controls to a series of altitude decompressions to 300 and 500 hPa, which represents the range of EVA operational pressures currently used or planned. Six subjects participated in both series; the oscillator sample tube could be pressurized. By the application of pressure on a blood sample containing questionable gas bubbles, these are reduced in volume, like in recompression therapy, and thus the density of the sample is increased. This effect has been shown in all 6 subjects undergoing decompression to 300 hPa, whereas in the 500 hPa series only 3 out of 6 subjects corresponded with gas phase formation immediately after decompression. Typically, Doppler bubbles appeared only after some latency time between 20 and 60 min; after this time, the density effect had nearly vanished. It is concluded that the mechanical oscillator technique represents a complementary research instrument to the Doppler method, because it is able to deliver a quantitative resolution of the early stage of gas phase formation.