Recently, new imaging modalities based on the detection of weak phase perturbations effects, among which are phase contrast and diffraction imaging, have been developed by several researchers. Due to their high sensitivity to weakly absorbing details, these techniques seem to be very promising for applications in the medical field. On the other hand, digital radiology is undergoing a wide diffusion, and its benefits are presently very well understood. Up to now, however, the strong pixel size constraints associated with phase contrast pattern detection limited the possibility of exploiting the advantages of phase contrast in digital radiology applications. In this paper, an innovative setup capable of removing the pixel size constraints, and thus opening the way to low dose digital phase contrast imaging, is described. Furthermore, we introduce an imaging technique based on the detection of radiation scattered at small angles: the information extracted from the sample is increased at no dose expense. We believe that several radiological fields, mammography being the first important example, may benefit from the herein described innovative imaging techniques.