The conversion of sodium lactate to lactic acid with water-splitting electrodialysis was investigated. One way of reducing the power consumption is to add a conductive layer to the acid compartment. Doing this reduced the power consumption by almost 50% in a two-compartment cell, whereas the electric current efficiency was not affected at all. Three different solutions were treated in the electrodialysis unit: a model solution with 70 g/L of sodium lactate and a fermentation broth that had been prefiltered two different ways. The fermentation broth was either filtered in an open ultrafiltration membrane (cut-off of 100,000 Dalton) in order to remove the microorganisms or first filtered in the open ultrafiltration membrane and then in an ultrafiltration membrane with a cut-off of 2000 Dalton to remove most of the proteins. The concentration of sodium lactate in the fermentation broth was 70 g/L, as well. Organic molecules present in the broth (peptides and similar organic material) fouled the membranes and, therefore, increased power consumption. Power consumption increased more when permeate from the more open ultrafiltration membrane was treated in the electrodialysis unit than when permeate from the membrane with the lower cut-off was treated, since there was a higher amount of foulants in the former permeate. However, the electrodialysis membranes could be cleaned efficiently with a 0.1 M sodium hydroxide solution.