Background: Although data are available on rates of delivery of preventive services by primary care physicians, the proportion of services delivered because of related symptoms or signs, rather than for primary or secondary prevention of disease is not known.
Methods: Research nurses directly observed 4454 consecutive visits to 138 practicing family physicians. Direct observation was used to identify delivery of 36 different services recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force and to assess whether delivery of these services was associated with related signs or symptoms.
Results: One or more preventive services were delivered in 33% of visits, with rates ranging from 0.2% (HIV prevention) to 19.9% (tobacco counseling). In contrast to pure prevention, services were frequently performed for assessment or care of symptoms or signs, with the ratio ranging from 0% (eye examination; car seat, poison control, and HIV prevention counseling) to 66.7% (hearing test). Physicians varied considerably in the frequency at which their delivery of recommended preventive services was associated with patient symptoms, from 0% to 100% for screening services and from 0% to 100% for counseling services.
Conclusions: Because of the illness focus of most primary care visits, preventive service delivery is often associated with related signs or symptoms. Care of illnesses appears to present an important impetus and perhaps teachable moments for providing preventive care. Clinician variability in preventive service delivery for patient symptoms shows an opportunity to improve the primary and secondary prevention focus of practice to meet public health prevention goals.