Background: The purpose of this study was to analyze any possible surgical reasons which may have had caused posterior capsule opacification in 3-piece silicone IOLs that had required Nd:YAG laser treatment. Special attention was given to 1) quality of cortical clean up, 2) type of haptic fixation, and 3) continuous curvilinear capsulorhexis (CCC) size and shape.
Materials and methods: Human eyes obtained post-mortem implanted with 3-piece silicone optic - PMMA haptic (SI 40 NB) and 3-piece silicone optic - Prolene haptic (SI 30 NB) designs IOLs, accessioned between January 1993 and December 2000 were evaluated by gross examination from behind under an operating microscope using the Miyake-Apple posterior photographic technique. The area and intensity of Soemmerring's ring and type of fixation was studied in 457 eyes. The mean diameter of the CCC and relation of the CCC edge to the optic rim were analyzed in 221 eyes.
Results: 1) The amount of Soemmerring's ring formation was significantly larger in the group of IOLs requiring Nd:YAG capsulotomy in both the SI 40 NB and SI 30 NB design than in the IOLs without capsulotomies. 2) The percentage of not in-the-bag fixated IOLs in both the SI 40 NB and SI 30 NB design was larger in the "Nd:YAG groups", without being statistically significant. 3) The "Nd:YAG groups" showed a significant higher amount of non overlapping clock hours of the CCC edge in relation to the optic rim.
Conclusion: 1) The data confirm the clinical assumption that the incidence of PCO is correlated with the cortical clean up. 2) Our findings also support the clinical assumption, that poor IOL fixation increases the risk of PCO. 3) This study also verifies the relation of the CCC to PCO, namely a relatively small CCC covering the entire optic rim is best to reduce the Nd:YAG laser rate.