The objective of this research was to determine whether different dry matter intakes (DMI) or forage percentages prepartum would have an impact on postpartum performance. Multiparous Holstein cows (n = 41) received either high (H) or low (L) forage rations that were fed free choice (F) or restricted (R), i.e., HF, HR, LF, and LR. The L rations were higher in net energy of lactation and lower in neutral detergent fiber concentrations. After calving, all cows were fed the same ration ad libitum. Prepartum DMI were 8.0 for R versus 12.4 kg/d for F with LF greater than HF (14.1 vs. 10.7 kg/d). Prepartum treatments did not affect postpartum means for DMI, milk yield, milk protein percentage, body weight, body condition score, or plasma glucose concentrations (overall means 1 to 40 DIM were, respectively, 21.1 kg/d, 34.0 kg/d, 3.03%, 624 kg, 3.2, and 66 mg/dl). However, curves from 1 to 40 DIM showed that DMI and milk yield were slightly higher in early lactation in cows whose DMI had been restricted prepartum but mean milk fat percentage was lower (3.10 vs. 3.42%). Plasma NEFA were higher and insulin lower in H versus L before and after calving. High DMI prepartum, at best, showed no advantage over restricted feeding.