Surgery and prognosis in stage III epithelial ovarian cancer

Int J Gynecol Cancer. 1995 Nov;5(6):416-420. doi: 10.1046/j.1525-1438.1995.05060416.x.


The results of this retrospective case study indicate that a composite of tumor grade, pattern of spread and substage at the time of opening affects the outcome most in the treatment of stage III epithelial tumors of the ovary. The poorest prognosis was associated with grade 3 histology, a pattern of spread requiring extensive and often difficult surgery for removal and a high substage. The best prognosis was usually associated with grade 1, with either very easily removed, isolated spread or low substage. The extent of tumor defined the degree of primary cytoreduction possible. If the tumor was minimally extensive, primary cytoreduction results were excellent. The same conclusions were reached in the case of secondary cytoreduction at the time of second-look procedure. There was no statistically significant difference (z = 1.481, P = 0.069) in 5-year survival between patients with microscopic only disease (59%) at second-look, and patients with gross disease not cytoreduced (36%).