Purpose: To report a case of explosive trauma to a patient with a history of radial keratotomy (RK), which resulted in multiple wound dehiscences but not globe rupture.
Methods: A 29-year-old male underwent radial keratotomy 1 year before he sustained facial trauma from a gasoline tank explosion. Corneal abrasions were treated with copious irrigation, topical antibiotics, corticosteroids, and scopolamine. He did not have a ruptured globe in either eye.
Results: The incision sites from radial keratotomy had evidence of anterior dehiscence in both eyes. One month following the injury, the patient had corrected visual acuity of 20/20-1 in the right eye and 20/25+1 in the left eye. At that time, the RK wounds were well healed with minimal irregularity over the incision sites.
Conclusion: This case demonstrates the excellent recovery of visual acuity in a patient with a partial thickness traumatic wound rupture 12 months following radial keratotomy.