The carcinogenic or tumourigenic testing of seven animal kidney cell lines (F-81, CRFK, MDCK, Vero, Vero-2 cell line, MA-104 and BHK-21) established in China, were carried out in more than 700 nude mice for colony formation in soft agar and for agglutination under different density of plant lectins. Tests showed that there were correlation between cell line chromosome number variations and anchorage independence in soft agar, agglutinability under lectins and tumour-forming ability in nude mice. Since testing in vitro was more economical, simpler and faster and thus thought to be more reliable, we recommend measuring agglutinability, followed by anchorage independence or analysis of karyotype as the initial means for monitoring tumourigenicity of animal cell lines in nude mice.
Copyright 2001 Academic Press.