Background: Endoscopy is now a routine part of the work-up for many patients with gastrointestinal symptoms. Adults tolerate these procedures well, with either no sedation or a relatively light level. In contrast, children often require deep sedation or a general anesthetic to successfully perform these procedures. Therefore, pediatric endoscopies may require more time, personnel, and monitoring equipment to provide optimal conditions for the patient. The goals of this retrospective case series were to describe the anesthesia times and recovery duration of the different procedures, the types and amounts of medications commonly used, and the types and rates of complications experienced.
Methods: Patients (2,306) who underwent endoscopy in the Arkansas Children's Hospital endoscopy suite during a 4-year period were identified. A random sample of 720 charts was reviewed retrospectively.
Results: Patients ranged in age from younger than 1 year to 29 years. Patients most often had abdominal pain or multiple gastrointestinal symptoms. Sixty-eight percent of patients underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopies; 30% colonoscopy or a combination of the two. Ninety-five percent of patients received a propofol-based anesthetic. Midazolam, fentanyl, and alfentanil were frequently used as supplemental agents. Complications occurred infrequently and were airway related. All complications were easily treated, with no adverse sequelae.
Conclusions: This model of anesthesiologist-provided sedation/anesthesia for gastrointestinal endoscopy procedures has been extremely successful in the Arkansas Children's Hospital and has served to heighten awareness of many issues surrounding sedation and anesthesia outside of the operating room, while ensuring a high level of care is provided.