This study uses an anthropomorphic phantom and its computed tomography (CT) data set to evaluate monitor unit (MU) calculations using the CMS Focus Clarkson, the CMS Focus Multigrid Superposition Model, the CMS Focus FFT Convolution Model, and the ADAC Pinnacle Collapsed Cone Convolution Superposition Algorithms. Using heterogeneity corrections, a treatment plan and corresponding MU calculations were generated for several typical clinical situations. A diode detector, placed in an anthropomorphic phantom, was used to compare the treatment planning algorithms' predicted doses with measured data. Differences between diode measurements and the algorithms' calculations were within reasonable levels of acceptability as recommended by Van Dyk et al. [Int. J. Rad. Onc. Biol. Phys. 26, 261-273 (1993)], except for the CMS Clarkson algorithm, which predicted too few MU for delivery of the intended dose to chest wall fields.