In addition to its well-established role in responding to phosphate starvation, the cyclin-dependent kinase Pho85 has been implicated in a number of other physiological responses of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, including synthesis of glycogen. To comprehensively characterize the range of Pho85-dependent gene expression, we used a chemical genetic approach that enabled us to control Pho85 kinase activity with a cell-permeable inhibitor and whole genome transcript profiling. We found significant phenotypic differences between the rapid loss of activity caused by inhibition and the deletion of the genomic copy of PHO85. We demonstrate that Pho85 controls the expression of not only previously identified glycogen synthetic genes, but also a significant regulon of genes involved in the cellular response to environmental stress. In addition, we show that the effects of this inhibitor are both rapid and reversible, making it well suited to the study of the behavior of dynamic signaling pathways.