The objective of this double-blind clinical study, conducted in harmony with American Dental Association guidelines, was to compare a new dentifrice formulation variant of Colgate Total Toothpaste containing a special grade of silica (Colgate Total Plus Whitening Toothpaste) to the commercially available, ADA-Accepted and clinically proven Colgate Total Toothpaste for controlling breath odor twelve hours after brushing the teeth. Breath odor was evaluated by a panel of three examiners using a nine-point hedonic scale. Following a baseline evaluation of breath odor, prospective study subjects who scored above the threshold value for unpleasant breath odor were stratified by score and randomized into two treatment groups. Subjects were provided with a soft-bristled toothbrush, and brushed their teeth thoroughly in their regular and customary manner with their assigned dentifrice. Subjects refrained from dental hygiene, breath mints or mounthrinses for the next twelve hours, after which they were again evaluated for breath odor. Eighty-three (83) adult male and female subjects from the Mississauga, Ontario, Canada area participated in the study. At twelve hours after brushing their teeth, subjects in both dentifrice treatment groups presented mean breath odor scores which were statistically significantly lower than the mean scores observed at baseline. Importantly, there was no statistical difference between the two dentifrices of the mean twelve-hour breath odor scores. The mean twelve-hour breath scores for the Colgate Total Plus Whitening Toothpaste group and the Colgate Total Toothpaste group were 4.89 and 4.67, respectively, which are within the range of values corresponding to pleasant breath odor. Thus, the results of this double-blind clinical study, conducted according to a protocol which had been approved by the Council on Scientific Affairs of the American Dental Association, support the conclusion that Colgate Total Plus Whitening Toothpaste and Colgate Total Toothpaste provide effective control of breath odor at twelve hours after toothbrushing.