Prospective clinical studies including large numbers of patients have led to the conclusion that co-expression of myeloid antigens in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (My+ ALL) does not have prognostic significance. However, reports of the frequency of My+ ALL in children vary widely across laboratories using different mAb clones and staining and analysing procedures. Taking two commonly accepted thresholds of positivity for myeloid antigens (20 and 30%), we analysed the immunoreactivity of the most widely employed mAb clones against CD13 (SJ1D1, L138 and My7) and CD33 (My9, P67.6 and D3HL60) and compared the proportions of My+ ALL detected by these clones in childhood ALL. The correlation between myeloid antigen expression and the presence of the t(12;21) translocation was analysed concomitantly in the same samples. The percentage of ALL cases positive for myeloid markers varied significantly depending on the mAb clone and the positive threshold. Among patients with B-ALL, the proportion of CD13+ ALL was significantly lower using SJ1D1 than using L138 or My7, while the proportion of CD33+ ALL was significantly higher for My9 than for P67.6 or D3HL60. Analysis of the co-expression of CD13 and CD33 on B-ALL cells using combinations of mAb clones showed that this frequency was either underestimated by the SJ1D1/D3HL60 or overestimated by the L138/P67.6 and My7/My9 combinations. A correlation between CD13/CD33 positivity and the t(12;21) translocation was uniformly observed in B-ALL patients for a positive threshold of 30%, whereas SJ1D1/D3HL60 detected no correlation between t(12;21) and CD13/CD33 positivity when the threshold was lowered to 20%. These data show that the mAb clones commonly used to detect the CD13 and CD33 surface antigens have variable immunoreactivity against childhood ALL cells, which may partly explain the conflicting reports concerning the prognostic significance of myeloid antigen expression in paediatric ALL and its association with different translocations. The present findings may also be of clinical importance for therapeutic choices.