Canine chronic hepatitis (CCH) is a progressive inflammatory disease of unknown etiology. To characterize the inflammatory infiltrate, 16 dogs with CCH were selected and classified into three groups based on the stage of fibrosis, as evaluated with Masson's trichrome stain. The inflammatory infiltrate in each liver section was immunohistochemically characterized and evaluated using CD3, lysozyme, lamba and kappa light chain, and alpha-smooth muscle actin antibodies. Numerous breeds were affected, and middle-aged females predominated in this select group. Necroinflammatory activity progressively increased and then waned as the hepatitis progressed to cirrhosis. CD3+ lymphocytes were the most numerous lymphoid cells in dogs with CCH. Degenerate hepatocytes were occasionally surrounded by CD3+ lymphocytes. Necrosis was positively correlated with the number of CD3+ lymphocytes. The lamba and kappa light chain-positive cell infiltrate was variable but generally mild. A positive correlation between the lambda and kappa light chain-positive cells and the portal alpha-smooth muscle actin was found. The number of alpha-smooth muscle actin-positive cells (myofibroblasts) in portal triads and fibrous septa was positively correlated with the stage of fibrosis. In contrast, no correlation was found between the number of lysozyme-positive cells (Kupffer cells) and the stage of fibrosis. These results further support the idea of an immune-mediated process in CCH and suggest that periductular myofibroblasts play an important role in canine liver fibrogenesis.