Objective: The purpose of this study was to review retrospectively the functional and anatomic outcomes of women who underwent vaginal repair of enterocele and vault prolapse with the use of an intraperitoneal suspension of the vaginal vault to the uterosacral ligaments in conjunction with fascial reconstruction of the anterior and posterior vaginal wall.
Study design: Two hundred two women with advanced symptomatic uterovaginal prolapse or posthysterectomy vault prolapse underwent a standard transvaginal procedure to correct their prolapse between January 1997 and June 2000. Anatomic results were assessed by standardized examination from 6 months to 3 years after the operation. Functional results were assessed subjectively and with standard quality of life questionnaires. The average age of the women was 60.3 years. Follow-up data were available for 168 of the 202 women. Fifty-three percent of the women had their uterus in place and underwent a vaginal hysterectomy. The prolapse repair was a primary procedure in 45.2% of the women and was performed for a recurrence or persistence in 54.8% of the women. Sixty percent and 78.6% of women underwent anterior and posterior repair, respectively. Thirty-five percent of the women underwent an anti-incontinence procedure.
Results: Eighty-nine percent of the women expressed satisfaction with the results of the procedure. Ten women (5.5%) underwent a repeat operation (by the authors) for recurrence of prolapse in one or more segments of the pelvic floor. Quality of life assessment revealed a significant reduction in all aspects of daily living, when the short forms of the incontinence impact questionnaire and urogenital distress inventory were evaluated before and after the operation. Major intraoperative complications included 5 cases (2.4%) of ureteral injury, 1 case of a small bowel injury, and 1 case of a pelvic abscess that required abdominal exploratory operation and diversion of the colon.
Conclusion: High uterosacral ligament vaginal vault suspension with fascial reconstruction would seem to provide a durable anatomic repair with good functional improvement in patients with significant complex uterine or vaginal vault prolapse.