Background: Distal showering of atherosclerotic debris or thrombus is a feared event during percutaneous angioplasty of degenerated vein grafts.
Case report: We report on a 66-year-old male patient with a history of coronary artery disease who was admitted into hospital with an acute coronary syndrome. He had had coronary artery bypass graft surgery in 1995. His chest pain resolved under treatment with aspirin, heparin, betablocker, and nitrate. A diagnostic angiogram demonstrated two critical stenoses of the left anterior descending graft. After a continuous infusion of tirofiban administered for 24 h prior to elective angioplasty, a JR 4SH 6 F guiding catheter (Cordis) was positioned. The lesions were crossed with a 0.014" Galeo F wire (Biotronik). A 4 mm x 16 mm stent graft (Jostent, Jomed) was deployed in the distal stenosis and a 4.5 mm x 32 mm self-expandable stent (Magic Wallstent, Boston Scientific) in the proximal stenosis. Thereafter, the patient suffered from chest pain, and the ECG showed ST elevation from V1 to V5. Angiography revealed total occlusion of the left anterior descending artery. An X-Sizer catheter (EndiCOR Medical, Inc.) was introduced and advanced through the vein graft with slow back-and-forth movements. After several aspirations, blood flow was significantly improved. A modest CK elevation (127 U/l) indicated a rather small loss of myocardial tissue.
Conclusion: Percutaneous revascularization of narrowed aortocoronary saphenous vein grafts is associated with increased risk of distal embolization and "no reflow". The X-Sizer catheter system is compatible with commercially available guiding catheters, and capable of retrieving thrombotic debris after macroembolization from degenerated saphenous vein grafts including the native coronary artery.