This study compared the accuracy of three imaging modalities for the detection of artificially induced vertical root fractures (VRF) on teeth in cadaver mandibles. Fifty-four single-rooted, endodontically treated mandibular teeth being prepared to carry posts were evaluated using direct digital radiography (DDI) with a Schick sensor, unprocessed Tuned Aperture Computed Tomography (TACT-U) images and iteratively restored TACT (TACT-IR) images. Twenty-eight of these teeth had been subjected to fracture induction using an apically driven force. Nine basis images were used for each TACT image generation. Eight observers used a five-point confidence rating scale to record the confidence with which they considered a fracture to be present or not. Sensitivity and specificity values were computed and receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were generated. The areas under the curves (Az) used as an indication of the diagnostic accuracy of the imaging system were as follows: DDI: 0.37; TACT-U: 0.77 and TACT-IR: 0.81. DDI was significantly inferior to the TACT modalities. Differences in detection efficacy based on observers and observation sessions were noted on ANOVA and post-hoc Tukey's tests. This study indicates that TACT is the imaging modality of choice for VRF in endodontically treated teeth.