Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyse outcome of new ESRD patients on haemodialysis.
Methods: We analysed nember, demographic data, renal disease and mortality of new ESRD patients on haemodialysis (HD) in 16-months period.
Results: We dialysed for the first time 74 patents with ESRD, 37 female (50%) and 37 male, average age 55.55 +/- 13.57 yrs. There were 3 patients younger than 30 yrs, 51 between 31-65 and 20 were older than 65 yrs. 29.73% of these patients were from Tuzla. Distribution of patients according to primary renal disease was: glomerulonephritis 20.77%, pyelonephrtis 14.86%, diabetes mellitus 13.86%, 29.74% others and 20.77% unknown. 11 patents (14.86%) were on HD less than 10 days, 11 patents (14.86%) were on HD less than 3 months, 35 patients (47.30%) were on HD less than 12 months, and 17 patients (22.98%) were on HD more than 12 months. 46 patients (62.16%) are still on HD, 18 (24.32%) died, 3 (4.05%) temporary stopped with HD treatments, 3 transplanted, for 3 there are no data, and 1 patient (1.35%) transferred in other center. Causes of death were as follows: unknown in 5 (27.78%), gynaecology carcinoma in 3 (16.67%), sepsis in 3 (16.67%), cardiovascular disease in (11.11%), cerebrovascular accident in 2 (11.11%), and others in 3 (4.05%) patients. In the group of died patients were 13 women (72.22%) and 5 men, average age 56.94? 13.09 yrs (28-61).
Conclusion: Leading primary renal diseases was glomerulonephitis, pyelonephritis and diabetes. Significant percent of new ESRD patients on HD die very early, and 77% of the patients live on HD less tan 12 months.