Objective: To learn the status of infection of eperythrozoonsis in Shandong province.
Methods: Seven hundred and seventy-six human blood samples, 198 domestic animal blood samples and 114 wild rat blood samples were collected. Eperythrozoon was detected in the human and animal blood stain slides under microscope.
Results: Overall infection rate of Eperythrozoon in human population was 7.3%. Rates were significantly different (P < 0.01) in different districts but no significant difference was found between men and women (P > 0.05). The rate among adults was higher than that of teenagers and elderly. It was also noticed that the rates of people affected with chronic diseases as hepatitis, diabetes and arthritis were higher than those without. The infection rates of goat, cows and rats were 15.6%, 3.2% and 0, respectively.
Conclusion: Data showed that Eperythrozoon infection was intensively identified in the people and animals in Shandong province.