C-met immunoreactivity and its co-expression with duct-associated insulin were evaluated in pancreata of non-obese diabetic (NOD) and low-dose streptozotocin (Id-STZ) mice. Diabetic NOD and non-diabetic NOD at the age of 4-8, 15-22 and 30-41 weeks and Balb/c mice at the same age intervals were studied. Ld-STZ mice were studied at day 12 and 24 after STZ administration. A stronger ductal c-met immunoreactivity and a significantly higher number of c-met positive ducts were found in diabetic NOD vs both non-diabetic NOD and Balb/c mice of comparable age. In non-diabetic NOD, the ductal c-met immunoreactivity progressively increased with age and was significantly higher than controls. In 1d-STZ mice a significantly increased ductal c-met immunoreactivity was detected both at day 12 and 24 vs untreated mice. C-met positive ductal cells were also positive for insulin although insulin positive c-met negative ducts were present. This study showed an increased c-met expression and the co-expression of c-met and duct-associated insulin, in both NOD and 1d-STZ mice.