Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of a new rotational thrombectomy device, and the procedure-related risk of particle embolization.
Methods: The experiments were performed in transparent silicone tubes. The conditions of flow were as close as possible to physiological parameters. Distal embolization was detected by a mesh of nylon filters.
Results: The Straub Rotarex catheter was able to remove all clots. The mean number of migrating particles larger than 1000 microm was 0.17 (+/- 0.38), the mean number of 400-1000 microm migrating particles was 1.08 (+/- 1.04). The mean intervention time was 67 (+/- 37) sec. The mean volume of collected liquid was 96.6 (+/- 24.7) ml.
Conclusion: The in vitro results suggest that the Straub Rotarex catheter is able to remove large volumes of thrombus with a limited risk of embolization. The main limitation of our model is the absence of adhesion of the clot to the tube.