Purpose: Study of characteristics of ocular involvement in systemic vasculitis.
Methods: We describe six cases of systemic vasculitis with ocular involvement observed between 1992 and 2000. These cases are compared with those reported in the literature.
Results: Our patients suffered from Wegener's granulomatosis (four cases), periarteritis nodosa and Churg-Strauss syndrome. Ocular manifestations were conjunctivitis, scleritis, orbital pseudotumor, optic neuritis and extraocular muscle palsy. These manifestations are similar to those reported in the literature. Their treatment requires steroids and immunosuppressive drugs. In one of our cases, intravenous immunoglobulins were effective in controlling an optic neuritis.
Conclusion: Ocular involvement in systemic vasculitis may concern any orbital structure. It usually occurs during the course of vasculitis but may be one of its first manifestations. It requires an appropriate treatment to prevent ophthalmic complications and especially blindness.