AIM:To evaluate the immunity of chemically modified tumor cell vaccine.METHODS:Tumor cell vaccines (TCV) were prepared by incubating the live Ehrlich ascites tumor cells with concanavalin A-mitomycin C (ConA-MMC), mitomycin C (MMC), concanavalin A-glutaraldehyde (ConA-Glu), glutaraldehyde (Glu), or paraformaldehyde (Para), respectively. The whole cell or soluble forms of the vaccines were administered intraperitoneally into Kunming mice once a week for three times prior to the intraperitoneal inoculation of a lethal dose of live tumor cells. A second challenge with live tumor cells was given four weeks later. Survival and antibody production of the mice were analyzed.RESULTS:After the first challenge, the mice, received whole TCV of ConA-MMC, MMC (P < 0.01) and Glu (P < 0.05) promoted survival incidence than the controls. All the treated mice had the survival time prolonged. ConA-MMC vaccine treated mice had longer survival days than that of ConA-Glu ones (P < 0.05). For the soluble TCV immunized mice,those treated with vaccines of Para (P < 0.01), ConA-Para and ConA-Glu (P < 0.05) had longer survival periods compared with that of the controls. Following the second challenge, survival incidence of the mice received vaccines of ConA-MMC, MMC, ConA-Glu or Glu was significantly increased (P < 0.01). Moreover, all the treated mice had the survival time prolonged, and ConA-MMC vaccine treated mice had longer survival days than that of Para treated ones (P < 0.05). Antibodies against Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were found to be positive in sera of the mice treated with whole TCV of ConA-MMC.CONCLUSION:Ehrlich ascites tumor cells are immunogenic when treated with ConA-MMC, MMC, ConA-Glu, Glu or Para, which might act as safe and effective tumor vaccines with safety and effectiveness.