There is a need for soil-to-plant transfer factors of radionuclides that take into account all possible crops on all soil varieties to support dose assessment studies. Because only limited experimental data exist for worldwide soil systems, such values should necessarily have a generic character. This paper describes a generic system for 137Cs, mainly based on a reference soil-to-plant transfer factor which depends solely on soil properties such as nutrient status, exchangeable K-content, pH and moisture content. Crops are divided into crop groups, cereals serving as reference group. The transfer of other crop groups can be calculated by multiplying data for cereals by a conversion factor. Existing data present in the IUR (International Union of Radioecologists) databank and in large part the work of a FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation)/IAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency)/IUR project on tropical systems provided the basis for the derivation of the conversion factors and reference values.