Aim: A new classification of the Lymphangioma colli (LC) should allow to inform about prognosis at the time of diagnosis or prenatal sonography.
Methods: Pre- and postoperative parameters in 36 operated children (1988-2000, Ø follow up 4.3 years) were evaluated dependent on the volume of the LC as defined. Type I: the tumor does not alter the normal shape of the neck; type II: the LC reaches a line placed at the lateral border of the head; type III: the LC does not respect this line; type IV: the LC exceeds the midline of the body.
Results: According to delivery, diagnostics, resection, reintervention, postoperative complications, nerve injury, hospital stay, aesthetics, tracheo- and gastrostoma predominantly significant differences were found.
Conclusions: The proposed classification permits to advise the parents about the expected prognosis: Type I: it is excellent; type II: some asymmetry remains in 15%; type III: postoperative complications occur in up to 38%; type IV: morbidity increases and prognosis decreases significantly.