Aim: To study the bioadhesive property of carbomer934 in dog alimentary tract.
Methods: Carbomer934 and ethylcellulose were radiolabelled with technetium-99m; and Gastrointestinal emptying rate of materials was measured using the technique of gamma scintigraphy.
Results: After oral administration,the maximum intestinal radioactivity of non-bioadhesive granules and bioadhesive granules were observed in the second hour and the sixth hour respectively. Constants of stomach emptying rate of nonadhesive granules,bioadhesive granules I and bioadhesive granules II were 0.774 h(-1), 0.265 h(-1) and 0.321 h(-1) respectively on the base of gastric residual amount. Compared to nonadhesive material (ethylcellulose), the migration rate of adhesive material(carbomer934) was remarkably slower in dog alimentary canal.
Conclusion: It is concluded that, in the dog, interactions between gastrointestinal mucus layer and adhesive material or nonadhesive material were significantly different. Carbomer934 had stronger in vivo bioadhesive property than ethylcellulose.