The present study investigates the role of cGMP and cAMP on the memory performance in the object recognition task in rats. The analogue 8-Br-GMP or 8-Br-cAMP was administered bilaterally into the hippocampus (0, 1, 3 and 10 microg in 0.5 microl saline/site) immediately after the exposure to two identical objects. After 24 h, saline-treated animals spent equal times exploring a new and the familiar object demonstrating that they did not recognize the familiar one. However, a dose-dependent improvement in object recognition was found after injection of 8-Br-cGMP. In contrast, 8-Br-cAMP did not improve the memory performance at the doses tested. These results indicate that hippocampal cGMP but not cAMP is involved in early stages of consolidation of object memory.