Identification of tumor antigens and their optimal antigenic peptides raised hopes for the development of peptide-based immunotherapeutic vaccine strategies for human melanoma, however. Synthetic peptides alone are not immunogenic enough, and adequate formulation is critical for elaboration of peptide vaccines. To improve formulation, we evaluated 2 lipopeptide constructs, both including HLA-A2-restricted MART 27-35-CD8+ T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope covalently linked to universal tetanus toxoid (TT) 830-843 helper T lymphocyte (HTL) epitope, in HLA-A2 transgenic mouse models that mimic human CTL responses in vivo. These 2 constructs only differed in the formulation of their lipid tail. We showed that lipopeptide constructs were strongly recognized, in vitro, by human MART 27-35 cytotoxic T cells derived from tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes. The transgenic Mice immunized with these 2 MART lipopeptide formulations containing covalently linked HTL-CTL epitopes induced strong MART 27-35 cytotoxic T cells. This CTL induction was critically dependent on the presence of the helper T lymphocyte epitope. These results also showed that a single palmitoyl-lysine chain is enough to assure immunogenicity of a given peptide and that the presence of a lipid tail bypass the need for adjuvant. These results support the selection of MART-lipopeptide melanoma vaccine for evaluation in a clinical trial.
Copyright 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.