Objective: To estimate the risk of HIV infections from blood transfusions, to evaluate existing blood screening measures, and to make recommendations to improve current blood screening practices.
Methods: Research was conducted in a county blood station. A statistical model and retrospective method were used to analyse the data.
Results: Between June 1995 and March 1998, 19 blood donors tested positive for HIV antibodies and among them, 7 were repeat blood donors. Twenty - two blood recipients were identified from these 7 donors during six months, 9 are still alive today, while one patient was infected with HIV from a blood transfusion while undergoing an operation. The residual risk of the blood station using a statistical model and retrospective methods were 1/1,773 - 1/28,867 and 1/2,008 - 1/2,730 donations respectively.
Conclusion: The residual risk of HIV after screening in the county blood station was high. We recommend further improvements to current blood screening practices.