Objective: To study the frequency and polymorphism of three mutations (CCR5(Delta)32, CCR2-64I and SDF1-3'A alleles) conferring resistance to determined HIV-1/AIDS in the indigenous Han population in China.
Methods: The study population included 1,267 subjects, of which consisted 98.7% (1,251/1,267) Han people. The genotypes of the three mutations were respectively, detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for CCR5(Delta)32 mutation, or by PCR/RFLP (restriction fragment length polymorphism) assay with the digestion of restriction endonuclease Bsa BI and Msp I for CCR2-64I and SDF1-3'A mutations. DNA sequencing was employed to confirm the accuracy of PCR or PCR/RFLP products.
Results: The frequency of the mutant alleles were: 0.00119 for CCR5(Delta)32; 0.20023 for CCR2-64I, and 0.28723 for SDF1-3'A. The three heterozygous CCR5-wt/Delta32 mutants were identified and no homozygotes were detected in indigenous Han population. The frequencies of CCR2-64I and SDF1-3'A alleles in China were higher than those of Caucasians descents in the USA and Europe.
Conclusion: Our data was the first findings on the frequency and polymorphism of CCR5(Delta)32, CCR2-64I and SDF1-3'A alleles in indigenous Han population in China which implied that the indigenous Han people might have a higher genetic susceptibility to the infection of sexually transmitted HIV-1 (R-5) strain. Further study is needed to clarify the significance of higher frequency of CCR2-64I and SDF1-3'A alleles in Han population.