Objective: To study an appropriate method for dust scrubbing from dust-laden gas in the shaft kilns of small-sized cement plants.
Methods: Characteristics of dust-laden gas, including its temperature, dew point, dust concentration, diameters of dust particles and their distribution, as well as fractional dust collection efficiencies of the dust precipitator settling chamber, cyclone, impinging scrubber, impinging-spray scrubber, were measured according to the National Standards for Measurement of Particulate in Exhaust Gas Emitted from the Stationary Pollution Sources and Sampling Methods of Gaseous Pollutants (GB/T16157 - 1996), with a WY-1 In-stack 7-Stage Cascade Impactor for fractional dust collection.
Results: The fractional dust collection efficiency of the settling chamber for the particles greater than 12 microm was 72%, while that of the cyclone for the particles of 2 microm, 5 microm and 10 microm were 40.0%, 72.5% and 88.9%, respectively, and that of impinging scrubber was 55.0%, 91.0% and 98.9%, respectively; and that of impinging-spray scrubber were 96.0%, 99.2% and 99.6%, respectively. Results showed that 81% of the dust (by weight) from the shaft kilns were greater than 10 microm, so the settling chamber was effective for the removal of this fraction of dust. But dust particles behind the settling chamber were finer, and about 59% - 69% of them were less than 2 microm in diameters. In that case, the cyclone, impinging scrubber and impinging-spray scrubber could give an overall collection efficiency of 54%, 57% and 96%, respectively. Based on this, the following combination of dust collectors were adopted to meet the national standards for exhaust emission: a settling chamber plus an electrostatic precipitator, a settling chamber plus an impinging-spray scrubber and a settling chamber plus an impinging scrubber. The cement plants could select appropriate dust collectors according to their technical and economical conditions.
Conclusion: Based on the results of the studies, appropriate dust collectors used to treat dust-laden gas from shaft kilns to meet the national standards for exhaust emission were recommended.