Recent experiments showed an upward shift of the lower limit of autoregulation (AR) following photochemical occlusion of cortical veins in the rat. The goal of the present study was to prove the hypothesis that occlusion of cortical veins will be associated with impairment of the upper limit of autoregulation as well. In n = 28 Wistar rats unilateral frontoparietal cranial windows were drilled for transdural assessment of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) by laser Doppler scanning. The animals were allotted to two groups: (1) Group A (n = 5), control group for determination of the upper limit of autoregulation with stepwise induced arterial hypertension by intravenous administration of the alpha adrenergic drug methoxamine under continuous monitoring of mean arterial blood pressure (MABP); (2) Group B (n = 23), in which two cortical veins were photochemically occluded with rose bengal dye and fiberoptic illumination upon baseline CBF measurement. This was followed by repeated rCBF measurements under AR testing. Loss of AR in control Group A with passive increase of rCBF occurred at MABP of 147.5 +/- 2.9 mmHg. In Group B venous occlusion was followed by an initial phase of reduced rCBF, and then by pressure passive increases, thereby indicating loss of AR. Statistically significant changes of rCBF when compared to baseline MABP occurred at MABPbaseline + 10% (112.7 +/- 6.6 mmHg). We conclude that AR is impaired upon cortical venous occlusion with the propensity for hyperperfusion injury at a lower level of MABP when compared with a control group. In the context with earlier findings this may lead to narrowing of the corridor for MABP management following intra-operative occlusion of large cortical veins.