Dengue virus type 2 and Yellow fever virus are arthropod-borne flaviviruses causing hemorrhagic fever in humans. Identification of virus receptors is important in understanding flavivirus pathogenesis. The aim of this work was to study the role of cellular heparan sulfate in the adsorption of infectious Yellow fever and Dengue type 2 viruses. Virus attachment was assessed by adsorbing virus to cells, washing unbound virus away, releasing cell-bound virus by freezing/thawing, and then titrating the released infectious virus. Treatment of cells by heparin-lyase, desulfation of cellular heparan sulfate, or treatment of the virus with heparin inhibited cell binding of both viruses. Heparin also inhibited Yellow fever virus infection by 97%. Using infectious virus, the present work shows the importance of heparan sulfate in binding and infection of these two flaviviruses.