Objective: Much concern is being focused on the improvement of perinatal care standards in recent time. Not only the safety of woman and newborn, but also the comfort and individual preferences should to be considered. The aim of this study was to assess of expectations and requirements of the delivering women in relation to the course of labor and usage of the most common procedures in clinical practice.
Material and methods: 47 women who delivered in Obstetrical Word in Puck were questionnaire. Mean gestational age was 39 +/- 1.5 hbd. 47% of women were nulliparous, 53% were multiparous. The following variables were analyzed: the presence of medical staff and family at delivery, possibility of the delivery position choice, use of auxiliary devices, a friendly atmosphere during delivery, use of analgesia and labor induction, episiotomy and ante-partum preparation, cesarean section on request, attendance to labor school. Mann-Whitney, Pearson and Yule tests were used for statistical analysis.
Results: 25% of women, mainly younger gravidae, attended the labor school. The midwife was considered the most important person at delivery. The presence of family member(s) was important for highly-educated women. The possibility to choose the delivery position and to walk during the 1st stage of labor was important for 73% of respondents. The majority of women who had attended the labor school avoided the horizontal position. Over 60% of patients accepted the usage of labor induction. A vast majority of women were against antepartum perineal shaving and episiotomy. Better-educated women preferred water delivery. 69% of the studied women would like to listen to the music at the delivery room. Cesarean section on request was supported by 11% of women.
Conclusions: The tendency to promote modern delivery methods and active participation in labor leading is noticed. The significant influence of labor school on women's knowledge and their preferences was found.