Among the nutritional factors contributing to maintain health during ageing, fat-soluble vitamins (FSV) are crucial to protect against free radical-generated degenerative processes or impaired efficiency of the immune system. However, no sound scientific evidence is able to confirm specific dietary needs in vitamin A, vitamin E and carotenoids for the healthy elderly. VITAGE project aims at providing such evidence by undertaking studies on male volunteers from 3 European countries, aged between 20-75 years. Biomarkers and variables related to status, metabolism and functions will be measured either in steady-state conditions, or during dietary depletion and repletion in FSV. Original, yet already developed, methodologies will provide clear information about the physiological characteristics of vitamin A, vitamin E and carotenoids. Simultaneously, marketing opportunities for FSV-enriched dietetic foods, specifically designed for the elderly will be determined. The scientific and economical evidence obtained in this project will provide the basis to implement a EU nutritional policy towards the elderly and to develop a new sector of dietetic food products.