The primary non hodgkin's lymphoma of the uterus is rare. This rarity explains of one part certain difficulties of the histological diagnosis and on the other hand the absence of a therapeutic strategy clearly established. We report 4 cases of primary non-hodgkin lymphoma of the uterus. Two patients had a cervical location, the two other had corpus location. The average age of our patients is of 59 years (extremes: 54-68). Histological diagnosis was confirmed by biopsy for the cervical location. For the corpus location, it is study of the uterus after hysterectomy which retained the diagnosis of lymphoma. The type of the lymphoma was low grade in two cases and high grade in the two other cases. The disease was limited to the pelvis for all our patients (stage IE according to Ann-Arbor's classification). The treatment consisted of an association of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in both cases of lymphoma of the cervix and in a radical hysterectomy followed by chemotherapy for the two cases of lymphoma of the corpus. Our patients are regularly followed, with an average follow-up of 56 months. Two patients are in disease free, the third patient presented a dissemination of the disease and the fourth patient presented a squamous cell carcinoma of the lung.