Analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)--the most common form of variation in the human genome--has become a popular strategy for discovering genes involved in complex diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, obesity and diabetes. It is also widely anticipated that SNPs will play a major role in pharmacogenomics, where the identification of variations in specific genes relevant to drug efficacy, toxicity and metabolism will help to establish optimal therapeutic strategies for individual patients. Reflecting these expectations, many new SNP-related technologies have appeared over the past few years, each with unique advantages, but all with the common goal of simplifying and expediting SNP analysis. We recently introduced a technique termed dynamic allele-specific hybridization (DASH), a convenient method for SNP (and insertion-deletion) genotyping, which is highly applicable to both basic research and clinical diagnostics. Commercial DASH devices are now available, making the technology affordably accessible for all laboratories.