Introduction: Contrary to patients exhibiting cellular immunodepression, legionellosis is rare in HIV-infected patients. We report 4 cases.
Observations: Four men aged 41 to 48 were infected by HIV-1. Three of them were treated with antiretroviral therapy. The clinical and biological manifestations were unspecific. Evolution was favourable with adapted antibiotic therapy (erythromycine for three patients and ciprofloxacine for the fourth).
Comments: Legionella pneumophila serotype Lp1 remains the principle etiological agent. Frequent use of contrimoxazole in prophylaxis against pneumocystosis and toxoplasmosis, macrolides, rifamycines and fluoroquinolones in the preventive and curative treatment of mycobacterioses, and the relative conservation of monocyte/macrophage function and immune repair with efficient antiretroviral therapy, may explain the low prevalence of this disease in HIV infections.